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Why Disconnecting from Nature is Hurting Your Health and Well-being

Updated: Apr 28

Bridge leading into a lush green forest

Have you ever heard the phrase "getting back to nature"? The concept behind this phrase is a complicated one indeed. In itself, this sentiment posits that you are disconnected from the world around you, that you are separate from the wild world of nature.

The concept that we don't belong in nature is a perplexing one, as we ourselves are nature. The seed of humanity was planted on this planet, in the same way as the flora and fauna that blesses our lands and waters. It is foolish to think ourselves separate from everything around us. This belief creates division, disconnection and a flawed outlook of self and our relationship to our home planet. In many ways, disconnecting from nature is hurting our health and well-being.

man with his hand on his face, with an orange background and the projection of the word "disconnected" is displayed on his face and tee shirt

There are times in life when we are encouraged not to think with our hearts, but to block out the natural world in pursuits driven by our egos. This may manifest in our lives as a disconnection from everything around us, including ourselves and our environment.

A preoccupation with money and financial gain may lead to deeper worry, dragging us down with feelings of our inability to attain wealth or success. A life lived in simplicity, in harmony with nature, even without the accruement of monetary worth, is a life rich in value when paired with a deep appreciation for our Earth.

How do we break free from this mindset and reintegrate ourselves with the natural world around us? Consider the following;

Do you feel stressed out on a regular basis? Do you struggle to quiet your mind? Do you feel like you aren't in the right place in life, or that you don't belong? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it might be a sign that you are in need of reestablishing yourself as an important part of nature and the Earth. We each have an important role to play in life, within nature and within the lives of those around us, be it animal or human.

Though we may not realize it, especially if we live in a city, our daily lives and actions have an effect on nature and our world. It can be easy to lose sight of, what with no need to hunt for our own food. Most of us have forgotten what it takes to survive as a human being having to fend for oneself in all aspects of life.

It is almost as if we are living under an umbrella of falsities, an illusion of civility, of superiority over nature and the animal kingdom as a whole. When we don't need to hunt for or grow our own food we can forget the intrinsicly connected nature of life. We become overwhelmed by the mundane, by each other, and by our perception of being stuck in the rat-race we participate in daily.

Very crowded bus with everyone looking at their cell phones

There are so many distractions around us, from our need to hustle to survive, to the incessant bombardment of social media, and the complexities of attempting to "make something of ourselves".

It can be hard to bear the weight of this world on our shoulders, leading many to live a fast paced existence of rigid routine. We often miss out on important life experiences or learning points due to our constant hustle mentality. Our eyes are forever scanning the horizon for what's next, what are we chasing today, how can we make the next buck.

What though, is the end game? How will we feel looking back over our existence? Will we feel satisfaction for having made someone else rich? Will we feel personal gratification for skipping important events or occasions for work? Will we look back and be glad that we spent as much of our lives working as we possibly could? I think not.

Perhaps now is the time to reintroduce yourself to yourself, to your life, to nature. Remember that we too are mammals and are part of the animal kingdom. Disconnecting ourselves from our true "nature" or allowing ourselves to be blinded by the hustle culture we currently live in, could prove to be detrimental to our personal growth and mental health, now and in the future.

A woman hugging a tree, facing away from the camera

It is more important now then ever, to make time to reconnect with our true selves and our planet. We cannot care for something that we don't know, may we make the most of our time on this planet by getting to know ourselves and understanding our intrinsic connection with nature on a deeper level. May we look back on our lives and be happy that we aided the growth and health of our planet by living conscientious lives. Let us feel a deep sense of connection to nature, with the innate knowledge that everything we need is provided for us. The very fact that we were born on this planet lets us know that our presence here is required.

We are sentient beings capable of discerning how best to show our love and care for the Earth, and in doing so, she too shares her blessings with us. We live in a symbiotic relationship with the Earth, but we have been taking more than we return to her. We must each be mindful of what we take from, and give back to the Earth, and try to give as equally as we receive. Send a little love out to our planet and reap the blessings as she sends it back to you. Always treat the planet with respect, for if we do not respect our planet, then we do not respect ourselves. Which leaves us with a question that begs to be answered; how can we reconnect and give back to the Earth?

pink neon sign reading "dont just take, give."

We need not runoff to live in the forest, or go off grid to show support for our environment(though some may make this life choice). By lovingly accepting ourselves and our planet as important beings, we display an understanding of the responsibilities that come with living as sentient life forms. We should choose peace and love everyday when we awake, and exude gratitude that our eyes opened and our lungs breathed in life once more.

Let us shower the Earth with gifts of healing energy and growth by reconnecting ourselves with her, and conducting ourselves in her best interests. The spirit of nature is alive and we need only look around to see her beauty and bountiful blessings.

Image of the Earth from space with an overlayed image of reflected hearts

Interact with nature by planting a garden, letting that spider live in your house, or giving thought to our personal place on the Earth, and how we can do our part in maintaining a healthy planet. Planting a tree, cleaning up litter, or attempting to cut down on your carbon footprint are all great ways to give back to our precious blue planet.

Connect with nature, with the trees and wildlife, immerse yourself in their healing energies. Study them to learn the lessons they have to teach us. Make friends with the world around you, and as friends do, look out for each other. The healing power of the Earth rejuvenates us to our very core, reconnecting us with nature to promote our inner peace and contentment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you found value in it, please feel free to like, share and subscribe.

As always, take good care. Love yourself, love each other.

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Great information for everyone who needs to be reminded that we cannot take our amazing planet for granted. We do seem to get distracted by that old routine of work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. And no wonder — our economy, as well as numerous political issues (and more), put so much pressure on each one of us to survive each day.

So I will take your suggestions to heart, and let that dang spider live in my house, and dig in my garden, and enjoy the critters that are out and about too! I’ll plant some herbs and put fresh flowers on the table! I will be grateful for every small gift and “pay it forward “ so to…

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