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Guided Thunderstorm Meditation: Reinvigorate Your Spirit and Soul

Updated: Apr 12


A blossoming cherry tree with ominous gray storm clouds in the background with vein lightning in the distance.

Thunderstorms, both awe inspiring and frightening, are truly one of the most magnificent weather events we have the fortune of witnessing, as long as they aren't causing damage. The intensity and unpredictable nature of lightning can be quite daunting. The powerful booms of thunder can shake us to our very core, reminding us of their potential for destruction. Conversely, the dramatic unfolding of thunderstorms may bring a sense of comfort and peace. Knowing that with its rain, it is washing away the dirt and dust from the land, to reveal new possibilities and new directions for growth. Thunderstorms restore the land, with lightning oxidizing diatomic nitrogen in the air and keeping the Earth in electrical balance, and rain depositing those nitrates back into the land, fertilizing plants and other organisms. We too can find balance through thunderstorms. For this thunderstorm meditation, we will be using our minds to create our storms. We will use our inner vision, and creating vivid imagery, relying on our own experiences and senses to bring our storms to life. If you would like you may use a few props; a fan on its low setting, open a window, or search for a YouTube video with thunderstorm sounds incase you would like to add to the experience. A true thunderstorm is the obvious preference, but lacking that our props will do.


a man in a cross legged position with his hand in a position for meditation sitting upon his knee

When you are ready, find a quiet space, free from distraction and noise, and get yourself into a comfortable position. Close your eyes.

Bring your awareness to your breath, slowing it down as you begin to quiet your mind. Take a long, deep breath in through your nose, fully expanding and deflating your lungs while exhaling through slightly parted lips. Again deep breath in through your nose, pause, and exhale slowly. Mind on your breath, deep inhale, slow slow slow exhale through your mouth.

Bring your focus to your minds eye and tune in to the sounds around you. If you have a thought, acknowledge it and let it pass, bringing your mind back to a clean slate. Be here, present in this moment.

Tuning in to the sounds around you again, no thoughts just listening, you hear the sweet songs of the birds as they chitter and chirp happily. We soon notice another sound, a gentle pitter patter of rain as it begins falling softly.

close up picture of blades of green grass with rain droplets on them

Breathe in deeply, catching the scent of gratitude being emitted from the Earth for this much needed rain, exhale and repeat, deep breath in, tapping into your olfactory sense memories, while picturing rain falling to the ground and exhaling slowly. You hear the soft rumble of thunder in the distance, tap into your auditory senses, really hearing it, low and steady, as the rain begins to pick up. Imagine the feel of the cool rain falling on your bare skin, melting away any tension you may feel in your body with each droplet.

A bright flash, and we pause time, maintaining that lightning flash and allowing it to connect its pale blue light to our aura, filling it with light. As the light energy pulses gently through the bubble of our aura, we connect with that light beam through our crowns, cleansing and recharging our chakras.

Breathing in deeply, imagining the light entering our bodies. Feeling our vibrations change and lighten, we pull this healing energy down and through our bodies, sending it to the Earth through our feet. Utilizing our bodies to flow the energy in from the crown of our heads, down through our bodies, and out the soles of our feet, grounding, invigorating, and aligning us with our highest good.

We hear an intense crack of thunder, louder now as the storm approaches, raining harder still. With your minds eye, picture the storm clouds, dark and brooding. A fluffy indigo mass looming overhead, quenching the earth and replenishing her lakes and ponds. Bringing a drink and refreshing shower to nature, both flora and fauna. Reminding us that storms are beneficial in fueling the changes needed for growth. With the aid of this magnificent storm energy, the Earth and her inhabitants will grow and bloom. Listen to the intensity of the storm as it increases, and see a flash accompanying each loud boom. Every lightning flash adding to our energy, our auras. It brings the brilliance of our auras to a new level. And every clap of thunder, a resonant reminder that we too have powerful voices.

A silhouette of a man meditating in the rain with a translucent rainbow aura encircling him

We envision the sight from space, we can see our heavy indigo-gray storm clouds, with the brilliance of our auras beaming through the dense dark clouds and connecting with the stars. Breathe in the bright light once more, picturing it entering our bodies through our mouths and filling us with light from the inside out, removing anything that no longer serves us. Imagine steam or smoke leaving your body with your next exhale as you release those stagnant energies and detoxify your soul.

Inhale positivity, peace, acceptance and love and exhale out any old or stuck energy, dissolving negativity and reinforcing our personal shields, concealing our light from those who may take advantage or abuse it. Reclaim your power.

Take a few minutes here to go within.(Give yourself 5-10 minutes of introspection)

Tuning back in to your storm, you notice the rain is slowing to a gentle pattering, as the thunder becomes distant again. The clouds start to dissipate, letting the sun peek through in sparkling rays. Much like us, the Earth has been refreshed. You sense the renewed peace of your surroundings as you begin to hear the birds chirping happily once more.

A lone dark eyed Junko sitting atop a wooden fence.

And just before we come out of our meditation, let's send love to our bodies, thanking our bodies and minds for all they do for us. Taking peace and mirth with you from todays meditation to accompany you throughout the day/night.

Awakening our senses

Bring your awareness back slowly. Listen again for the sounds around you, tune back into the here and now. Take a few moments to sit in quiet stillness, exuding gratitude and appreciation for our planet and lives. Wiggle your fingers and toes and give yourself a full body stretch. Walk around the room, or drink a glass of water to ease back into an alert state. Take as long as you need.

Thank you for joining me for this meditation, please take good care!

Love yourself, love each other!


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1 Comment

How peaceful. May I suggest that your partner/significant other read this aloud as you relax, and then switch places? A great benefit for both partners on a quiet (or thunderstorm) afternoon. 🙂

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