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The Well-Worn Path: Illuminating the Mysteries of Witchcraft

A well-worn dirt trail leading into a forest

For all intents and purposes, I will be referring to Pagans and Witches interchangeably throughout this article, as Witchcraft has roots in the Old Earth based religions, aka Paganism. Though Witchcraft is not the only belief system included under that umbrella term. The term Pagan also includes Druids, Odinists, Shamans, Naturalists, and Sacred Ecologists to name a few. A Witch is always a Pagan, but a Pagan isn’t always a Witch. I find no offence in the word Pagan, nor do I feel it has any negative connotations despite what some may claim. To me it is in reference to an ancient spiritual path, deeply rooted in nature and should be revered as such.

An introduction to the Mysteries of Witchcraft

 The true meaning of what it is to be a Witch has been widely misconstrued, hidden, and frowned on by society. That which is perceived as unknown is mysterious, and many Pagans are relegated to face the stigma that accompanies practicing a non-conforming path. Witches have been deemed evil, historically persecuted, and purported to be devil worshipers by various cultures and religious groups, though nothing could be further from the truth. 

 I began studying the pagan path in the early 2000’s, being initiated as a Witch into a Celtic coven in 2009. Prior to this avenue of spiritual study, I had been brought up learning the Bibles teachings until my family left that religion completely by the time I was 13 years old. The mid 2000’s ushered in my twenties and my beliefs swayed from the Christian norm, to more Earth and Spirit based beliefs. I wasn’t affiliated with any religion per se, but was forging my own eclectic way forward. I began learning more about Buddhism, as well as the sacred teachings of the Indigenous peoples, both profoundly beautiful paths. It was almost by accident that I found myself studying the well-worn Pagan path, as if I was led to it, because I probably was. My teacher found me, (my High Priestess I should say) and I had started compiling a book of shadows before I even knew what one was. But, I digress, let’s get back on track and look at what Witches are and what they are not.

A metal altar pentacle, with a wand in the foreground and a raw amethyst crystal in the background

What Witches Do not do;

  • They don’t worship satan/The devil, nor do they eat children, or make human sacrifices, I know boring right? Though they have horned deities in some pantheons, none are related to the devil. They don’t believe in any deity to be all encompassing evil or that the ‘devil’ even exists. The concept of the devil was introduced by Christian religions to scare people away from the Old Earth based paths. Witches believe in the Hermetic principles including the law of Polarity, knowing that polarity or duality are intrinsic to all things. Polarities can be witnessed in all aspects of life from good/bad, masculine/feminine, calm/chaos, or day and night etc. Through these understandings and beliefs we find balance and harmony in our lives.

  • Though Witches do practice magick, most do not hex or curse people. They honor the principles of the Hermetic Laws, which include the law of cause and effect. More easily explained and broadly deemed ‘Karma’, as both concepts are quite similar. Witches understand that the energy they send out determines the energy they will receive. Most abide by the Wiccan Rede to ‘Harm None, but Do what You Will’. The rule to harm none applies also to the self, but the secondary portion 'do what you will’ reminds us of our freedom of choice and responsibility to take accountability and expect repercussions if we choose to practice dark magick. I have also heard it paraphrased as ‘Harm none, but take no shit’

  • Witches don’t look any particular way in daily life, and may be difficult to spot in a crowd. They don’t generally wear the iconic Witch hat and are not required to be gothic or wear specific garb, though some may choose to. They may be of any gender, ethnicity, cultural or religious background or socioeconomic status, all who come with pure intentions and genuine interest are welcome. It is broadly believed that black encompasses all vibrations, and holds the power to enable the wearer to have better intuitive clarity and psychic power, thus why you may see Witches donning black attire. They may also have ritual clothing that is more traditional, with hooded cloaks and dresses, accessories and jewelry symbolic of their faith, which is only worn during ritual work. Some even practice sky clad (aka naked).

  • They usually refrain from talking about the Old Ways to the uninitiated, as the ancestors and ancient sacred teachings are to be respected and protected. It may prove challenging to find a teacher of the Old Ways, though books and online information are available to all. But, truly it starts within us, in the ancient wisdom that is held within every cell of our bodies.

What Witches Do;

  • Through ritual practices they recognize and observe the changing of the seasons and join in the turning of ‘the wheel of the year’. Paying attention to planetary positioning, acknowledging and celebrating full moons, Equinox/Solstices, and planetary alignments and eclipses are all common practice. Witches seek a deep understanding of astronomy and astrology, innately knowing that all things reflect each other, as stated in the Hermetic law of correspondence, ‘As above, so below’. A sentiment which acknowledges the similarities apparent throughout the universe, from micro to macro levels. One parallel comparison would be our nervous system and the root systems on trees, as seen below

A comparison showing the similarities between the human nervous system and a trees root system

  • They practice magick with the use of energy work, spells, chants, incantations and divination, all which come from a place of methodic and pure intentions. They believe strongly in the power of thoughts and words manifesting into physical realities, as well as the symbolism and strength within actions, regardless of how small, and the effect that those actions have on our environment. This plays a big role in their need to keep their thoughts and words in good order, as all intent, including harmful or ill intent, manifests as well, be it within ourselves or our surroundings. Upon delving into the study of Witchcraft, you’ll quickly realize how many practitioners are healers, work in healthcare, horticulture, education, or community support positions. This goal of pure/good intent is reminiscent of the Buddhist teachings of the noble eightfold path, which references embodying principles such as; right views, right thinking, right speech, right action etc. Words carry power and energy, leading some to believe that is why it is called spelling

  • Witches are concerned with the environment and the preservation of our planet. They make it a goal to live alongside and in harmony with nature, to respect all life forms, and to do what they can to restore balance to Earth. Be it tending to trees and plants, showing compassion and care for the wildlife in your corner of the world, picking up litter or teaching others how they can help, every action makes an impact.

  • They read messages in nature and are taught how to look deeper into the seemingly mundane, with the understanding that life is a reflection of life and messages from the ancestors are all around us. If we tune in to the Earth, we will find that she speaks to us in many ways, we just need to have our eyes and hearts open and be receptive to her signs.

A group of young students sitting in the grass as their female teacher educates them on the importance of caring for the Earth

Historically, Witches were often healers, with a deep knowledge of plants, animals, crystals and alchemy. They began to be looked at as dangerous when the people of the time saw that the Witches could heal others, which looked to them like magick. It seems apparent that humanity fears that which it does not understand, but a little education goes a long way.

I hope that this article has illuminated some of the mysteries shrouded in the shadows of Witchcraft. May it provide you with accurate information and a better understanding of the Craft, and why Witches are an important part of our society.

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Take good care. Love yourself, love each other. Blessed be!


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