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The Intrinsic Relationship Between Water and Life: A Dive into our Profound Connection (Part 1)

A woman drinking out of her cupped hand from an ancient looking well

I can't speak for everyone, but I often forget to drink enough water. I find myself similar to the wilted yellow houseplant in the corner, craving hydration. Water, an essential element in many parts of our daily lives, is sometimes overlooked or underestimated. We use it for cooking, cleaning, recreation, swimming, and nourishing our well-being. It is a valuable resource that deserves our recognition and gratitude.

The Significance of Water: Why It is Essential for Life

AI created content of an old stream running into a pond

While the idea of originating from dust and ultimately returning to it is familiar, I personally find a deeper affinity with water, and aspire to reunite with the oceans instead. Upon delving into this topic, I came across evidence that may validate my aforementioned aspirations.

According to Medical News Today, the percentage of water in our bodies usually falls within the range of 45% to 75%, which can vary based on factors such as age and weight. This crucial component is not only necessary for our health but also forms the core of our being. As far as I am aware, there have been no studies conducted on the percentage of dust that makes up our living bodies.

"Water is crucial to keep the body working correctly. It is present in the blood, skin, organs, and bones. There is water in every cell of the body, from the brain to the teeth." -Medical News Today

water splashing up into a portrayal of the human form

Water possesses a multitude of facets, from its calming, invigorating, and hydrating qualities to its potential for devastation, peril, and even death. It is an element that commands respect and should never be taken lightly.

However, I did come across one unsettling fact that you might want to skip over;

After we die, the water from our bodies gradually seeps into the ground below our graves, eventually mixing with the groundwater (commonly known as burial leakage). However, there is no need to panic just yet, as in Canada and many other countries, the Cemetery Act oversees the proper handling of human remains and ensures that cemeteries comply with the standards set by local authorities. To prevent the contamination of nearby water sources by leachates, cemeteries typically adhere to setback distances, which are regulations or by-laws specifying the minimum distance from water sources, drainage systems, and ditches where cemeteries can be located.

Despite its eerie nature, I find this fact reassuring as it creates a sense of connection to those who have passed before us. It encourages one to contemplate the intrinsic knowledge that the water may carry and that the same wisdom may be present in the water within every cell of our bodies.

The Crucial Role of Water in Human Health and Environmental Sustainability

An above field irrigation sprayer in the middle of a lush green field

 Water is an essential element for all living organisms on Earth. It plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, such as regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, and transporting nutrients throughout the body. In addition to its importance for human health, water is also vital for the environment. It sustains ecosystems, supports plant growth, and helps maintain biodiversity. Furthermore, water is a valuable resource in various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production.

A mother and daughter removing trash from the shoreline

It is used for irrigation, cooling systems, and as a solvent in chemical processes. The availability of clean water is essential for economic development and human well-being. Despite its significance, water resources are increasingly under pressure due to factors such as pollution, over-extraction, and climate change. It is crucial to manage water resources sustainably to ensure their availability for future generations. Conservation efforts, water recycling, and efficient water use practices are essential to protect this precious resource.

The Significance of Water in NASA's Search for Habitable Planets

Even in the search for potentially habitable planets, water remains a crucial element that NASA meticulously seeks out. The presence of water is considered a fundamental requirement for the existence of life as we know it. Without water, the chances of sustaining biological life forms in other parts of the universe diminish significantly. Despite the challenges posed by the scarcity of water, NASA has made remarkable discoveries of water in some unexpected and fascinating locations. These findings have sparked new avenues of exploration and research, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos.

An image from space of the Earth and galaxies beyond

Water, with its unique properties and significance, continues to captivate scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Its role in shaping the possibilities of life beyond Earth is a driving force behind NASA's relentless pursuit of uncovering the mysteries of the universe. The discovery of water in diverse environments not only sheds light on the potential habitability of distant planets but also fuels our imagination about the vast diversity of life forms that could exist beyond our planet.

As NASA missions explore our solar system and search for new worlds, they are finding water in surprising places. Water is but one piece of our search for habitable planets and life beyond Earth, yet it links many seemingly unrelated worlds in surprising ways. -Nasa Mar 5, 2024

Water, a vital resource often overlooked, is essential for various aspects of our lives, from health to environmental sustainability. It constitutes a significant portion of our bodies and is crucial for bodily functions. Despite its eerie aspects, water connects us to the past and sustains life. In NASA's quest for habitable planets, water is a key element, with its presence being a fundamental requirement for life beyond Earth.

A birds eye view of a modest fishing town

 In conclusion, water is a fundamental element that sustains life on Earth. Its importance cannot be overstated, and it is essential to prioritize the conservation and responsible management of water resources to safeguard the well-being of both people and the planet.

In Part two of this series we will be investigating the theory of HADO (Healing And Discovering Ourselves), introduced by internationally renowned Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto whose extensive research into water has produced surprisingly stunning revelations into the potential for our energy and thoughts to profoundly influence water/bodies of water. Check back with us next week for the insights uncovered in part two.

As always, thank you for reading! If you've appreciated it please feel free to like, share, comment and subscribe for more intriguing content!

Take good care! Love yourself, love each other.


1 comentario

Thank you for this educational and insightful article. We do tend to take water for granted here in Canada, but other countries, not so much. Also, I’m surprised that there was no mention of fish! I’ll be watching for that in part two. Great info👍

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