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Planting the Seeds of Self-Reflection: March Meditation 2024

Sign that reads: difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

Through this meditation we will align with and utilize the energy that is surrounding us currently. March brings with it the spring equinox, a day which is split almost perfectly in half between light and darkness. It brings an energy of balance, renewal, and childlike joy. It is a great time to connect with your inner child as March energy is very nurturing and motherly. It is also a great time to set intentions, or to reinvent yourself. It is a time of delving into our inner selves, giving us a gentle nudge towards prioritizing self-care, development and growth.

A bean sprouting in soil
Just as a seed needs darkness to sprout into the light, we too may encounter periods of darkness to encourage us to reflect on which direction to grow.

I invite you to consider a few affirmations that are complimentary to the energy in March:

  • I am balanced

  • I am renewed

  • I grow through self-reflection

If you would like to set intentions I will include a few examples. You may wish to write your intentions down to help visualize the words and keep them in the forefront of your mind. Think about the meaning they carry and how you will follow through with them.

  • I intend to honor my body by giving it the love and rest it needs

  • I intend to achieve a balanced mindset

  • I intend to seek inner peace

We manifest these intentions by the use of clear specific wording and thoughts. We also require a clear, unblocked path to manifestation. This path is created through meditation and the clearing and opening of our chakras or energy centers to allow energy to flow through us, without getting stuck on our egos or limiting thoughts of self .

Using your minds eye, visualize your intentions. See them coming to fruition, feel the emotions that the reaching of your goals would evoke. Feel and exude the gratitude in your heart that would accompany attaining your goals. Do not allow any room for self doubt, or limiting thoughts as they make manifestation harder to achieve. Continue to meditate on your intentions regularly to keep them clear and concise.

March Meditation

Please make yourself comfortable in either a seated or lying flat position. You may wish to light a candle or some incense for ambience.

When you are ready, close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of 4 and exhale through slightly parted lips for a count of 6 seconds. And in through your nose, 2, 3, 4, and out through your mouth, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And again in through your nose, 2 ,3 ,4, and slowly exhaling through your mouth. Be here.

Using your breath, gently push all of the thoughts out of your mind. Breathing in light, joy and peace and breathing out any lingering thoughts, or negativity. Deep breath in, pulling in light, and peace and long slow breath out, removing any unwanted thoughts or energy blocks. Returning to regular breath now, in and out softly through your nose

Bring your awareness to the spot just below your nostrils, feel the sensation of your breath as it flows in and out. Relax your forehead, smooth breathing in and out, relaxing your eyes, feeling any tension falling away with your breath. Relax your face, unclench your jaw letting your mouth fall slightly open.

Release your shoulders, letting them droop or fall back, feeling the rhythm of your breath, the rise and fall of your chest. Relax your abdomen, your back, feel the gentle relaxation being carried through your body from the top of your head and making its way down through all of your tendons and muscles, relaxing and unclenching them. Putting your body fully at ease, head to toe. Every muscle relaxed, you might even feel a tingling sensation as your body fully relaxes into a gentle rest.

Feel the surface below you, holding your body, supporting your weight fully. Feel the areas where your body connects to the surface beneath you. Feel the stability of that surface and know that you are supported. Breathe.

Envision yourself in your minds eye. You are surrounded by darkness, but you are not afraid. You have a deep sense of being right where you belong. You can only sense darkness around you, but it begins to feel warm. It feels like a warm hug enveloping you wholly, and within the hug you feel safe, protected, fully at peace. You feel the nurturing energy surrounding you, filling you up with anticipation and creating a feeling of love. That warm loving energy provides exactly what you need, nurturing your growth. You already contain everything you need, you are whole. You are a seed.

You notice the darkness above you opening up slightly, revealing a single stream of white light.

The white light falls upon you, landing first on the top of your head. You feel a tingling sensation as the light energy enters your crown and flows into your body. With each breath, the light energy intermingles with your own, creating a deep sense of cohesion of heart and mind. A deep sense of balance.

Affirm to yourself;

  • I am balanced.

  • I am renewed.

  • I grow through self-reflection.

Like a seed in the darkness seeking light and strength to unfurl and sprout, we too require a nurturing environment to empower our growth. It is through the lessons learned in darkness that we find our light. Balance give seeds an atmosphere of growth, we also need to provide ourselves with a balanced atmosphere conducive to growth. Our struggles teach us where we need boundaries, and discomfort teaches us the value of maintaining those boundaries. Through discomfort and self-reflection we grow. Through challenges we discover our strength. Through a balanced life we will witness darkness and light, happiness and sadness, life and death. Without one we would not understand the beauty of the other, or the fragility of life itself. Balance. (Give yourself a good amount of time for self reflection, I find that ten minutes is usually sufficient)

A stack of rocks balancing on each other

Awakening the senses

Slowly coming back to yourself. I welcome you to take something with you from this experience. Maybe a sense of self acceptance, or a recognition of your inner strength and resilience. Perhaps you were able to commit your entire self to being at peace. Give yourself a pat on the back for taking this time to connect with and align your body and spirit. Your body thanks you!

Bringing your awareness back, wiggling your fingers and toes. Rolling out your wrists and ankles, bringing your awareness back to your arms and legs, gently moving from side to side. Stretch your body gently, feeling your muscles engage as you tense and relax them. Open your eyes and look around turning your head from side to side to stretch your neck muscles. You may want to continue stretching here or carefully come to a standing position and walk around the room. Drink some water, and give yourself some time to adjust back into your alert state.

I hope you have found value in this meditation. Please leave feedback if you feel inclined.

Take good care. Love yourself, love each other.

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I love this one, it reminds me a bit of the kind of treatment I got at Homewood a few years ago. It was so relaxing, with a feeling of renewal afterwards. It may be even better if your partner or significant other reads it to you during your quest for peace and renewal. Also, I’m sure it would be effective mutually ❤️

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I am so glad that you enjoyed this post!! I agree these meditations are best when heard spoken aloud. I will eventually be starting a youtube account of my guided meditations for you to follow along or you can book with me for a free 15 minute guided meditation, monday-friday between 10am-2pm. Until then if you dont have someone else to read it for you, perhaps try recording yourself reading it and play it back. Remember to speak softly and allow pauses, especially when going through the breath exercises at the beginning.

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