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A May Meditation for Healing

Check out the podcast page to listen to this guided meditation. May is a Month of growth not just for us, but for our flora and fauna counterparts as well. The energy around this month is nurturing, creative and optimistic. Trees are filling in with lush green leaves, flowers are using their energy to create and unfurl their blooms, and the creatures native to our lands are procreating. The beauty of this time of year is evident all around us, enveloping us within energies of positivity, hope and forward progress.

A woman seated in a cross legged position, meditating in the middle of the forest with the sun shining on her, lighting up her hair

This time of year may also provide us an opportunity to clear out the old to make way for new energy to enter our lives. It is a time of year filled with love, fertility and inspired forward movement. If you have been feeling stuck lately, tapping into the energy of this time of year will allow you to refocus and see clearly in which direction to proceed.

May gives us a push to tune in to our bodies and assess our health and lifestyle habits. It urges us to reflect on the tone of our inner commentary to identify potentially destructive or self sabotaging thoughts or behaviors.

For this lovely may meditation we are going to delve deep within ourselves to connect with our inner healer and restore our bodies.

So lets get started.


Before you get started I have a few suggestions you may wish to accommodate into your meditation to enrich the experience. Personally, I prefer the ambiance candle light provides, as it slows my mind a little, making reaching the alpha state quicker and easier. If you like to burn incense I would suggest going with Sandalwood or Frankincense for this meditation. Some crystals you may wish to display or investigate the properties of this month are malachite, green aventurine, and carnelian.

A wooden table with a cone incense burning in the middle of the image, with candles and some greenery in the background

When you are ready lets begin by focusing our gaze onto a fixed spot in the room, it could be the candle flame or a crystal or just a spot on the wall. Find your focus and gaze, while beginning to notice and slow your breath.

Gently tilt your head back a little, dropping your eyelids halfway, without moving your eyes from your point of focus. Breath in through your nose for a count of three and slowly exhale for a count of six. Repeat this focused controlled breathing pattern for a few breaths. Inhaling, two, three and exhaling, two, three, four, five and six. (repeat this breath work 2-3 times)

Now turn your focus inward as you return to normal breathing, and let your eyes fall closed.

Be aware of any feelings that may arise within you, any pains, anxieties or stresses, notice where you feel them.

What area of your body is calling to you?

Is it physical or emotional pain? Is it stress or worry?

Take a long deep breath in, fully expanding your lungs, and as you slowly begin to exhale through a partially closed mouth I want you to envision that stress, that pain or worry leaving your body through your breath.

Lets take one more deep breath in and exhale any remnants of stagnant energy or pain, slowly blowing the air out, trying to empty our lungs completely.

Again returning to normal breathing, bring your focus to the crown of your head and bring your hands together at hearts center.

As you take your next breath in, imagine a ray of light shining directly onto the top of your head and using your breath, pull that light down and into your body through your crown.

Feel the pulsing of the light energy as it fills our body's core, breathing in the light and drawing it through each one of our chakra centers, cleansing, opening and aligning them one by one from the crown, to the third eye. Cleansing and opening the third eye before travelling down to the throat. Opening the throat chakra will aid us in communicating more effectively.

A circular wooden table with intricate designs with crystals placed atop representing the chakras

As we pull the light energy into our heart chakras, we are going to hold it here for a moment, replenishing our energy in the pure cleansing light while we exude gratitude and love, sending healing to the Earth, as well as to ourselves.

Bringing our attention to the color of the energy coming from our heart chakras, we begin to notice that it is emerald green light emanating from our heart and enveloping us in a circumference of energy, purifying our aura and sending love and healing to all areas of our bodies. As we bask in this beautifully nurturing aura, our remaining Chakras are cleansed, opened and aligned bringing a deep sense of peace and harmony.

I invite you to sit with this energy, focus on sending love, acceptance, forgiveness and healing out to each area of your body where you identified any pain or discomfort.

Let's take a few minutes here, turning our attention inward for silent introspection.

A man in the foreground and a woman in the background, both with eyes closed sitting cross legged, meditating.

When you are ready, reflect on anything you might have learned from your body throughout this meditation. Reflect on the harmony we've created through the alignment of our hearts and minds. And lets pat ourselves on the back for taking the time today to heal through compassionate acts of self-kindness.

Open your eyes, wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently wake yourself up. Please take a few minutes to become fully alert, and be careful that you don't get up too fast.

I appreciate you joining me for this meditation. If you found it helpful please like, share comment and subscribe.

Take good care. Love yourself, love each other.

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